Agree on 2-3 chats & emails responding daily slots & put them as tasks in calendar

Agree on 2-3 chats & emails responding daily slots & put them as tasks in calendar

Build the habit of replying to chats & emails in 2-3 slots per day. This way you can:

  • Reduce the context switching within a team
  • Increase deep work time, while still having a good response time for chats & emails

Choose slots that work best for your team & make them recurring tasks in the calendar, e.g.:

  1. in the morning after/before daily check-in,
  2. in the middle of the day,
  3. at the end of the workday

Add the tasks to your calendars individually, not one event for the whole team, so you can tailor them to individual preferences, and change week-by-week according to circumstances.

Here's weekly emails & chats queue in your team → don't make them interrupt you every few minutes

Emails & chats queue increased across last month by 0.2 emails & chats per week per employee. Across the company, the minimum value is 106 emails & chats, and the maximum is 456 emails & chats. This excludes outliers outside the 95th percentile.

Want to reduce context switching by 2 hours weekly per team member? Use real-time data and micro-automations from calendars, chats, and emails to free up 1 day a month for everyone, with 100% privacy protection. Check out our software and let’s chat!

June 11, 2024

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