Challenge #1 - Planning team’s work from home & office
People Leader | General business | Expert

Challenge #1 - Planning team’s work from home & office

The first in a series of six webinars is behind us!

Challenge#1 | Planning team’s work from home & office

🎯 How are companies planning hybrid work?
🎯 What are the best practices?
🎯 What’s the most challenging?
🎯 How can data help?

These and other questions were discussed during the webinar last Friday with our special guests:

Jessica Reeves, PHR | Vice President, Global HR | Anaconda, Inc.

Zuzanna Przybyla | Remote/Hybrid Work Expert |

Key takeaways:


Hybrid Evolution & Great Attrition are here to stay, as 73% of employees expect flexible remote work options and 64% of employees are willing to leave without another job lined up.


We observe a timely evolution from Employee Listening 1.0 (basic annual engagement surveys) to 4.0 (continuous response action platforms), which seem to be critical for a continuous improvement of the employee experience, and thus for making sure employees feel heard out and genuinely cared for.


Workplace analytics and Organizational Network Analytics come into play as a method of complimenting employee listening data by means of collecting insights, where you use the data describing work patterns directly from the company's communication and collaboration tech ecosystem.


While this is a strong trend, there are still many digitally mature IT companies, who base their design of a hybrid workplace predominantly on the insights from different employee surveys, and have not embraced more advanced, AI based data yet.


When planning team's work from home &office, remember not to disrupt the habits and routines that serve people well. Ask people for their opinions, give them freedom to make their own well informed choices, and let them experiment with different set ups. And don't forget that equity doesn't mean equality - exactly the same solution for everyone rarely works.


Be sure to support this work & home office design with data from your collaboration systems to decide how intra- and cross-routines, as well as deep work slots, can be optimized. Such a comprehensive view will help to design a hybrid workplace in an evidence based and intentional way.


If you expect your people leaders to design their team's work from home & office in the most optimum way, make sure they are enabled and supported, and that they have access to as much data and insights as possible. Whatever data you use in decision making, make sure it's democratized i.e. transparent and accessible to everyone.

Hope to see you during the next webinar! 🙂

Register here.

February 3, 2022

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