Posts tagged:
Great people around
October 13, 2023
ABSL Webinar
We had the pleasure of conducting a webinar for ABSL Poland members today.
September 12, 2023
SoDa Webinar
We had the pleasure of conducting a webinar for SoDa members.
March 15, 2023
Using workplace analytics to create more productive teams
How can you better understand team performance through data? 🤔We love inspiring conversations - and this was undoubtedly one of them.Peter Benei - thanks a lot for inviting Anita Zbieg, PhD to this talk and for the very intriguing questions! 🙏🎧
September 29, 2022
Workplace Analytics readings recommended by Network Perspective
An increasing number of businesses are now using Organization Network Analytics platforms to analyze employee data and improve their satisfaction and productivity levels. However, wrapping your head around Workplace Analytics might seem daunting at first. To give you a helping hand, we’ve listed a few introductory readings that will explain what ONA brings to the table.
June 8, 2022
Productivity and collaboration challenges in remote tech companies
Once putting the data about work & collaboration patterns in the hands of people leaders & teams, they get a full, more objective and continuous overview of the work habits and experience rooted by them. We strongly believe that leveraging and better understanding of data is the key to improving the future workplace in an impactful way and effectively selecting initiatives not for symptoms, but for root causes.
February 23, 2022
Challenge #2 - Mitigating team’s collaboration overload / lack of collaboration
Last Friday, we held the second of six webinars for the tech industry.Challenge#2 | Mitigating team’s collaboration overload / lack of collaboration🎯 How big is the problem of too many meetings & work interruptions?🎯 How does it impact burnout, well-being, absenteeism, and attrition?🎯 What can be done to mitigate the workload in an evidence-based way?
February 3, 2022
Challenge #1 - Planning team’s work from home & office
The first in a series of six webinars is behind us!Challenge#1 | Planning team’s work from home & office🎯 How are companies planning hybrid work?🎯 What are the best practices?🎯 What’s the most challenging? 🎯 How can data help?These and other were discussed during the webinar last Friday with our special guests: Jessica Reeves, PHR and Zuzanna Przybyla.
January 25, 2022
Hybrid Evolution & Great Attrition addressed in a data-informed way - webinar series
We are starting a series of 6 webinars dedicated to HR, organization development, and work tech decision makers from IT companies. Hybrid Evolution & Great Attrition addressed in a data-informed way - webinar series
November 29, 2021
What do we actually do at Network Perspective? ;-)
Network Perspective video on how our platform enables people leaders with advanced workplace insights.
September 16, 2021
Why is the Workplace Analytics market seeing a 35% growth rate at a time of economic uncertainty?
Depsite the fact that many industries were forced to cut costs amidst the recession, the Workplace Analytics market was spared from this scenario. Namely, according to a study by Red Thread Research, it has witnessed a 35% annual growth rate between 2019 and 2020.
October 14, 2020
Short notes on how we do things
Network Perspective notebook on how we do things, and what we are proud of.
October 29, 2020
How Gosia & Mikołaj made our illustration and brand style fly
Our story of collaboration with great people Gosia & Mikołaj who made our brand style, illustration and topography fly.
Customer stories
Our software:
DevEx Surveys
WorkSmart AI